Clinique Take the Day Off Makeup Remover Balm
I felt compelled to buy Take the Day Off Makeup Remover Balm so I could get the BonusTime bag, they get me every time! The Clinique lady was so enthusiastic about this balm. It’s had good reviews all over the internet too.
It comes in a purple plastic tub. Which on opening reveals a lard like substance. I’d rather not have stick my fingers into it, but with this consistency I suppose there’s no other way. I could get a spatula or a lolly stick for it. Maybe Clinique should provide one. Once you have scooped out a small dollop it melts very easily into an oil. You’re meant to then massage the oil into your dry face, paying attention to the dirty bits, then remove with a muslin or Microfibre cloth and warm water. The shop lady didn’t say to but I will be using a cleansing lotion as well just to be on the safe side. One ought to double cleanse after a day of full face makeup.

Here’s the science-It’s main ingredient is Ethylhexyl Palmitate. This coconut palm derivative is a skin conditioner and emollient which gives the balm its balminess. The second ingredient is Safflower seed oil. This contains linoleic acid, a fatty acid which helps restore the skin’s barrier, it may be beneficial for eczema and acne.
It’s very satisfying massaging the balm into its oily form. It feels very emollient. It’s a very bland substance- no scent whatsoever. After removal with a cloth my skin feels clean and not dry. I could still get a trace more mascara off with micellar water and a pad. I’m not convinced it cleaned my face that much more than warm water and microfibre cloth alone, but it certainly left my skin more hydrated.
My main concern is that the rich coconut derived emollient will cause a breakout. Time will tell. I would certainly recommend it to those with dry, dermatitic or eczema prone skin- it’s bland oily moistness should be perfect.
It’s unusual stuff but it’s pleasant and satisfying to use. I’m hoping my skin is enjoying it too.
8/10 so far, I’ll update if my skin rebels x
I didn’t see the balm. What I saw at the counter was the makeup remover milk…but this looks better….I will be trying as soon as I find some somewhere lol
It feels lovely, it’s quite heavy stuff, best for drier complexions I’d say. Let me know how you get on x
I have eczema so the heavier the better lol
It should be perfect for you, very bland and hydrating it is x
Hiya, good review 🙂 I have v sensitive acne prone skin and I love this! Have been using it for about a year – I felt the same when I started using it but love smearing it on now! I also massively recommend Ren’s clearcalm clay cleanser – it’s brilliant if you are prone to a breakout. 🙂
Claire x
I love Ren’s stuff. It really feels like it’s doing you good. I’ll have a look x