LetsGetChecked Review

This is an unusual one for me. I normally review serums and that. LetsGetChecked got in touch with me and asked if I would like to try their service for a review. There was one particular thing that I was very interested to check given it’s health implications- my vitamin D levels.
It’s an unusual concept- home blood testing, how do you get the blood out and to the lab safely, why test without a doctor’s supervision? Even though the prospect sounds a little daunting, it did actually turn out to be absolutely fine. Self prescribed blood tests allow you to get more information about your health without having to make an appointment. Here in the UK, it isn’t particularly easy to see a doctor and I certainly wouldn’t be bothering a medical professional with something as trivial as a vague concern about my nutritional levels. So, I’m going to go through the Let’sGetChecked process, the tests the offer and the benefits of at home testing.
How LetsGetChecked Works

Basically, you choose your test, when the kit arrives you need to register it online, then collect the sample at home and send it to a lab. There are many tests to choose from- sexual diseases, hormones, nutrition, some cancers. There is a medical team you can talk to if you have any concerns about your test or results, but apart from that it’s your show. The labs are the same labs that doctors use, so you know they’re reliable.
After I had ordered my test online at LetsGetChecked.com the box of necessary bits arrived as quickly as the post would allow. It included everything I would need for the test and a postage envelope so that you can just stick it in a post box.
Why Would You Want to Do a Test Online

It might seem like an odd decision, I certainly had never thought of doing one, but there are a few good reasons you might want to consider it-
- A vitamin D test to check all important Vit D if you’re not getting much sun.
- If you’ve recently had a big diet change, like going vegan and you just want to check your B vitamins and iron.
- Your periods have been all over the place and you want to make sure nothing weird is going on with your female hormones.
- This one is quite a big one, LetsGetChecked have the Anti Mullerian Hormone test available. This is a test I did before I had IVF (it was successful if you’re wondering, thank god, she’s 4 now), AMH gives a rough estimate of how many eggs you have left. Very useful information if you want kids but there are no kids on the horizon.
- LetsGetChecked does tests for all the sexually transmitted diseases you can think of
There are loads of other tests to choose from. Basically if you have a health or wellness concern and you don’t want to face the doctor until you’re sure there is something wrong, there’s these tests so you can do a bit if detective work on your own.
The Blood Test
I’m not a squeamish person, like I said above, I had IVF treatment and that ain’t for pussies. A blood test at home is a little outside the norm but it really was no big deal. LetsGetChecked send-
- A sample bottle
- Alcohol swabs to clean the skin
- Several lancets to pierce the skin. These lancets are like the ones they use before you give blood, you just click them on the end of your finger, it’s very easy to use.
- An envelope to send the sample back to LetsGetChecked in

You just swab your finger and click the little lancet thingy and let the blood drip into the tube. It’s not painful really or technical but you’ll want to prepare your bits and bobs before you start, in case you make a mess. My husband walked in on me dripping blood all over the place trying to get the sample bottle out.
Do as I say, not as I do. Put tissue out ready, wedge the sample bottle in the foam provided, open it and THEN click the lancet on the side of the tip of a finger. Maybe don’t use your index finger because it will throb a bit after. I found keeping pressure on my finger while keeping my hand down made it really quick.
My LetsGetChecked Test Results
It took two or three days to get my results. They sent me a text and an email. I think they phoned me too but I never answer my phone.
So here’s the question that I wanted answering- If you wear factor 50 sunscreen all the time (and only take supplements when you remember) are you deficient in vitamin D?
My concern started growing when I read this study of nearly 30,000 women which gives compelling evidence that having low vitamin D has a real impact on life expectancy. Given that I slap on factor 50 with gay abandon come rain or shine, I want to know what impact that has on my vitamin D levels. I do supplement but I might well forget for days on end.
Drum roll please, my vitamin D level is…

It’s normal, yey!
The diagram makes it look like I’m on the low side of normal but the vitamin D council advises levels of between 40-80 nmol/l, 200 is very high. So my facial spf habit is not going to lead to early death after all.
All in all LetsGetChecked have provided an excellent service, very swift and private. There is no way I would have gone to the doctor to check my vitamin D level, even though I worry that I’m not getting enough. If you’re interested in your vitamin D levels, or egg reserve, or anything else for that matter I thoroughly recommend the service. I have a discount code for 40% discount, just type in NIA40 at checkout, until the 12th January. The test is normally £59 but with the offer on at the moment it’s only £35.40 which is a great price.
Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for all‐cause mortality: results from the MISS cohort” J Intern Med 2014; 276: 77– 86.
, , , , , ,(My LetsGetChecked test was free in exchange for review, as usual that never affects my point of view, links may be affiliate)
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