The Ordinary

Acne, Aging, Beauty, NIOD, Self-image, Skincare, The Ordinary, Tips

My Skincare Journey- Acne/Aging/Pigmentation

Skincare for Acne, Aging and Pigmentation, my personal journey with many unfiltered before and after photos

Acne, Aging, Beauty, List, My Holy Grails, Skincare, Skincare Essentials, The Ordinary, Tips

The Ordinary Cheatsheet

The ultimate guide on how to figure out the complexities of The Ordinary skincare by Deciem

Beauty, Foundation, Makeup, NIOD, Review, The Ordinary

NIOD Photography Fluid 12% Opacity vs Hylamide Photography Foundation 

Comparison of NIOD Photography Fluid 12% Opacity and Hylamide Photography Foundation- two similar products from the same company.

Acne, Aging, Beauty, NIOD, Review, Skincare, Skincare Essentials, The Ordinary

Deciem- Niod vs Hylamide vs The Ordinary 

How to choose between Deciem’s The Ordinary, Hylamide and NIOD. Deciem can be bewildering, here’s my guide to their skincare lines

Beauty, Review, The Ordinary

New The Ordinary Colours Foundation Sneak Peek and Colour Chart

A preview of The Ordinary’s New Colours Serum and Coverage Foundations with Swatches and Colour Chart.  Find my full review and before and after photos